Author: Southern Surgical

Do Male Infertility Supplements Work?

If you’re a male that struggles with infertility, you might have been tempted to try one of the many male fertility supplements that are available on the market. But you may ask yourself – do they really help increase sperm count and mobility, or are they completely ineffective?

A lot of research has been done to study the effectiveness of fertility supplements, but evidence is still limited because of the variations in dosage and questions about the cause of infertility in patients.

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Can I Prevent Kidney Stones?

If you’ve experienced kidney stones once, odds are you’ll want to learn how to prevent them from forming again. If you’ve never experienced a kidney stone, you should try and keep it that way.

While the small, hard masses can be caused by family history and certain medications, there are some preventative measures you can take to ensure you don’t experience kidney stone pain again:

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Should You Be Screened for Prostate Cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society,

one out of every seven men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, making it one of the most common cancer among men. Though there is no unanimous opinion on the benefits of prostate cancer screening, all men over the age of 40 should talk to their doctors about whether it’s the right options for them.

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Now Supporting Mobile Browsers

We are pleased to announce that our website has undergone some changes to now offer better support when viewing on mobile phone. It is now easier than ever for our patients to get the care they need at the “tips of their fingers”.